The F Word Nobody Wants To Talk About.
No, not that F-word, but the word FEELINGS.
Why is it so uncomfortable for us to talk about feelings?
Why are there a lot of people who are afraid to talk about their feelings?
Why are people so uncomfortable when emotions are shown?
Why do people think that being emotional only means “crying or sharing feelings”?
But most people don’t think that ANGER is an emotion.
Anger is a feeling that a lot of people do not control.
Anger is an emotion that is okay for people to show.
Anger is ok.
Anger is tough.
Anger is strong.
Anger is not being emotional.
Anger is an emotion. It is a strong emotion that is hard to control for a lot of people.
Anger is a FEELING that a lot of people have no problem showing although it is the most destructive, hurtful and aggressive behavior to show.
But for some reason, there is no shame in showing anger.
How come People do not call angry people emotional??!!!
But anger is accepted. Aggression is more accepted than crying. Men are considered tougher when they are aggressive or show anger but once they cry, they are weak, emotional and incapable.
People can be more accepting of rage and aggression but when people cry, it makes others uncomfortable.
People would rather talk about the other F word but would not want to talk about FEELINGS.
What is it about feelings that is so uncomfortable?
There are no wrong feelings.
Most of the time how you feel is normal due to an abnormal event that happened to you.
Your reaction to an abnormal event is most likely normal.
You are not alone with your feelings of anxiety, depression, fear, anger, stressed and disgust.
And joy is the most vulnerable feeling we can feel.
These are normal reactions to unknown or unprecedented events.
Emotion is energy in motion.
Be truthful about your feelings and use your mind and your emotions in your favor, not against yourself.
Learn to use your emotions to think not think with your emotions.
People with poor emotional management tend to suffer in their relationship, struggle to find the motivation, manage their time poorly – yet their failures cause them greater emotional turbulence and stress.
Mastering your FEELINGS is the ultimate leverage point in life.