Being Vulnerable is Brave
There are plenty of people who hates the word vulnerable. They find this word as a sign of weakness. I understand that being vulnerable is a state where we find ourselves needing help from others. It’s opening ourselves up to judgment and also disappointments.
People tend to judge others so easily because they lack empathy. If they put themselves in another person’s shoes, will they do things differently? Will they act differently? Will they come out of it better than the person who is actually experiencing a particular life challenge? A lot of people do not want to show vulnerability because they don’t want to be judged. They are afraid to be judged because it is what they typically do, they judge others so easily.

Getting disappointed happens when we have a lot of expectations. When we are vulnerable, we hope to find support from our loved ones or close friends but there are times when support is not given. Therefore it is a risk every time we share the dark moments in our lives…and taking a risk is a brave thing to do.

It takes a brave person to show others that life is not perfect. Humans deal with adversities all the time but humans also are very resilient. Being vulnerable is being human. Trials in life is not something we should be ashamed of, sometimes shit happens and we have no control of it. We find who our true friends are when we show our vulnerabilities but we will never find who they are when we are not brave enough to show them.
According to the Queen of Vulnerability, Brene Brown, “Vulnerability is not weakness: it’s our greatest measure of courage. Vulnerability is not winning or losing: it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.”