What Can You Do When You Are Not In Control (of Covid19)
Focus on what you can control
Let go of what you can’t control
The unprecedented pandemic (covid19) at the moment is creating fear for most of us. The fear is there to protect us. It can also debilitate us.
This is a moment to remind yourself that what is happening right now is out of your control. This is the time to focus on what you can control – your thoughts.
You may not be able to control your first thought but you can control your second thought.
Here are some ways you can practice to ease anxiety during this time:
- Gratitude – look around you and list down the people and things you have in your life right now. Including your home, your electricity, your internet, your cable, etc.
- Mindfulness Meditation – this practice helps maintain a mental state of alert, poised awareness, being totally present while letting self-focused thoughts come and go without paying them more than passing attention. This helps people manage unnecessary and unwanted thoughts instead of getting caught up in them. (Meditation lowers stress, anxiety, and depression)
- Reading – or listening to audiobooks can help release tension and take your mind off the chaos. Reading fiction can take you places and put your mind in a different setting.
- Listening to Positive Podcasts – I highly recommend Jay Shetty’s On Purpose or NPR’s TED Radio Hour or This American Life. Listening to positive things can help you learn something new, open up your mind and take your thoughts away from the news.
- Limit Television or Social Media – you do need to keep updated on what’s happening but limit your technology use to 15 minutes every three to five hours, or better yet in a day.
- Process Your Feelings – talk to someone who will not judge you, shame, guilt or blame you for how you feel. We all have very different ways of coping with disaster or national emergencies. Reach out to your therapist or a trusted friend who can create a safe and supportive space for you.